What You Need to Do After You Are Involved in a Car Accident in Maryland

One second you’re driving down the road, paying attention to traffic around you, being careful not to speed… the next second, WHAM! You’ve just been involved in a car accident near Rockville, Maryland. Now what?

  • Take Pictures! This includes photos of your vehicle and any other vehicle/s involved in the accident, as well as photos of any cuts, bruises, or more substantial injuries resulting from the accident. The more evidence you have the better off you will be later on, whether it be for determining who caused the accident or for influencing how large a jury verdict you may receive in court.
  • Call your insurance company even though it’s not your fault to report the accident but do not initially give them a recorded statement. Of course, you must cooperate with your own insurance company to avoid problems , however, having said that If they ask for a recorded statement or demand one just tell them that you have (or are hiring) an attorney and you will have the attorney set up the recorded statement.  Often times instead of a recorded statement your own insurance company will allow a written statement from you. That gives you time to craft the statement with your attorney making sure that you don’t say things that might be confusing or hurt your case.
  • If the at fault insurance company calls you, to see how you’re doing (which they’re not really doing) do not talk to them certainly do not give them any recorded statements. Keep in mind recorded statements are in a word “bad.”
  • Set up an appointment to visit a medical professional as soon as possible even if you feel ok in the immediate aftermath of the accident.  If is not uncommon for people involved in a car accident to develop more intense symptoms in the days following an accident for a number of reasons. Therefore, it is best to get checked out for the benefit of your own wellbeing and if you do end up experiencing any pain it is essential to document your injuries right away. Another article from the David Wasser law blog discusses how concussions can be difficult to diagnose, especially after suffering a whiplash injury (­­­Post-Concussion Injury Due to a Car Accident or Personal Injury).
  • Don’t discuss or post anything about your accident online on any forums or social media accounts because those statements can be used against you in court.

Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your case and understand your rights. For more information, you can visit our homepage, watch us fight for our clients in the news, listen to some of our satisfied clients, or browse our other content below:

The information contained in this article is general in nature and is not offered as legal advice or medical advice for any particular situation nor do they in any way create a legal relationship. The opinions and conclusions in this blog post are solely those of the author, are for general informational purposes only and not directed at any specific case or to be construed as legal advice. Any links provided by the author in this article are for informational purposes only and by doing so, the author does not adopt or incorporate their contents. The Law Office of David Wasser operates throughout Maryland and Washington D.C., including Rockville, Gaithersburg, Silver Spring, Bethesda, Potomac, Germantown, Frederick, Hagerstown, and Baltimore.

Our writers used secondary sources when writing this accident news post. These sources include but are not limited to local news sources, local and state police reports, social media posts, and eyewitness accounts about accidents that take place in and around Maryland and Washington, D.C. We have not independently verified all of the facts surrounding this accident, therefore, if you find any information that is not correct, please contact The Law Office of David Wasser immediately so that we can update the post. The photo used in this post was not taken at the accident scene.

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